Cosmetic acupuncture is a form of non-surgical face lifting, which involves the insertion of hair-fine needles into specific points on the face and body.
Longév is increasing accessibility to this service in a relaxing and social group setting in our cozy clinic where you can come alone for some rejuvenating self-care or come with a friend!
Join us at Longév and enjoy a warm cup of herbal tea before you lean back in our lounge chairs where you will receive the acupuncture treatment. There are never more than 4 people in the space at once and it is a quiet zone to ensure everyone is able to receive the maximum therapeutic benefit. A Naturopathic Doctor will insert tiny acupuncture needles and very specific locations.
When the treatment is complete, the needles will be removed and a hydrosol as well as mini serum will be applied. You will leave feeling grounded and beautiful on the inside and out.
Tuesday November 22, 2022 from 6-9pm
Each appointment is 30 minutes in length
Longév Clinic – 493 King Street East Toronto