Why Your Progress Might Be Stuck – And How to Fix It If you’ve tried everything—medical diets, acupuncture, naturopathy, supplements—but still aren’t seeing the results you want, there may be a critical missing piece in your healing journey: lymphatic flow. No matter how effective a treatment is, your body must be able to deliver nutrients […]
Healing the Liver Naturally: A Functional Medicine Approach to Fatty Liver The liver is one of the most remarkable organs in the human body. It serves as your body’s detoxification powerhouse, metabolizing fats, producing bile, and supporting hormonal balance. However, modern lifestyles often overwhelm this vital organ, leading to conditions like non-alcoholic fatty liver disease […]
The gut and liver are intricately connected through the gut-liver axis. Dysbiosis (an imbalance in gut bacteria) can exacerbate liver inflammation. We may recommend fibre, probiotics, prebiotics, or other interventions to restore gut health. At Longév Clinic we have two formulas that combine evidence-based ingredients that help to address liver function and the gut-liver axis […]
There is a well-established connection between skin health and stress. When in a
stressed state, our bodies release noradrenaline and cortisol.
Spring is a time for renewal, regeneration and growth. It’s the ideal time to nourish our bodies and minds and support the natural detoxification process
Use your genetics to optimize your health through nutrition , nutraceuticals and movement.
Increasing blood flow to reproductive organs and reducing stress may help to improve reproductive health and successful pregnancy outcomes.
All of these factors contribute to flares in many common skin conditions. Often, these flares can result in more stress, which can exacerbate the cycle.
Osteopathy can ease some of the muscular-skeletal symptoms experienced through each stage of transformation during pregnancy as well as helping your body physically adapt