Fit Genes-Metabolic Reset Program

Use your genetics to optimize your health through nutrition , nutraceuticals and movement.

Fertility Acupuncture

Increasing blood flow to reproductive organs and reducing stress may help to improve reproductive health and successful pregnancy outcomes.

The Impact of Stress on Skin Health

All of these factors contribute to flares in many common skin conditions. Often, these flares can result in more stress, which can exacerbate the cycle.

Osteopathy & Pregnancy

Osteopathy can ease some of the muscular-skeletal symptoms experienced through each stage of transformation during pregnancy as well as helping your body physically adapt

Osteoarthritis & Mistletoe

We always recommend this type of treatment after other aspects of supporting osteoarthritis are in place and the body continues to be in pain

Fascial Stretching

This non-invasive approach mobilizes your whole body, especially your glutes, hamstrings and lower back, and serves as a calming tool to regulate your nervous system.